Yousef Ahmed Elsaadany

Official IYMC Ambassador

Yousef Ahmed Elsaadany
Newcomer Ambassador
(Score: 1430)

Cairo, Egypt
Stem Dakahlia

I am proud to serve as an IYMC (International Youth Math Challenge) Ambassador in 2024, a role that allows me to inspire others with my deep passion for mathematics. My journey with IYMC began in 2022, where I competed for the first time and earned a bronze medal in the finals, a milestone that marked the beginning of my love for competitive mathematics. Since then, I have consistently participated in the competition, returning in 2023 to further challenge myself. Now, in 2024, I stand not only as a participant but as an ambassador, committed to promoting the beauty and power of math to students worldwide. As I step into this competition once again, I look forward to making a meaningful contribution, both as a competitor and a mentor, while encouraging others to explore and appreciate the wonders of math. I believe that through perseverance, curiosity, and collaboration, we can all achieve great things in this year's IYMC.

Contact: youelsaadany(at)amb.iymc.info View Full Team