Information: Age Groups

Current high school and university students from all grades and countries are eligible to participate. Participants must be 26 years or younger to participate in the competition. There are three age groups:

Students from all age groups will receive the same problems in all rounds. However, students in higher groups need to score more points to qualify for the next round:
My age or grade changes after the submission deadline. To which group do I belong?: Your grade/age on the day of the submission deadline of the Qualification Round (i.e., 22 December 2024) determines your age group and it will not change throutghout the competition.

What if I am in a gap year (i.e., between high school and university)?: If you are not yet 19 years old, you will be consider a Youth; otherweise, you will be considered a Senior.

A timetable with all deadlines is available here: Timetable and Deadlines
More information about all rounds and the competition is available here: Information Flyer