Uma Shankar Singh

Official IYMC Ambassador

Uma Shankar Singh
Experienced Ambassador
(Score: 150)

Kathmandu, Nepal
IOE Thapathali Campus

Mathematics is my favourite subject and I enjoyed doing it a lot and always remained in solving mathematical problems. In lower class I was not so good in it. But in 8th standard my new mathematics changed my perception of it. I could never forget my mathematics teacher of 9th and 10th standard who taught me not only problem solving but also to have crystal clear concept of mathematical theories. I love to discover new problems and concepts related to geometry, calculus, number theory algebra, arithmetic etc. I was always able to score A+ marks in mathematics in my examination. I have got nice marks in mathematics in my SEE exam and 11th standard board exam. Currently I am in 12th grade result waiting student with major in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry. I had also taken part in mathematics competition held by St. Xavier's College, Kathmandu in which we achieved the first position in national level.

Contact: umasingh(at)amb.iymc.info View Full Team