Md Abrar Jahin

Official IYMC Ambassador

Md Abrar Jahin
Newcomer Ambassador
(Score: 10)

Khulna, Bangladesh
Khulna University Of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Khulna, Bangladesh

Md Abrar Jahin, CSCA™, is an AI Researcher and Multidisciplinary Scientist. He earned his Bachelor of Science in Industrial & Production Engineering from the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), demonstrating consistent academic excellence. He was honored as a Gold Award recipient at IYMC 2019 in Bangladesh. Serving as an ambassador, Abrar initiated an after-school mathematics group, organized mathematics workshops featuring IYMC problems, and promoted IYMC awareness through social media and collaborations with local institutions. Leveraging his leadership skills, he established a local IYMC group and disseminated IYMC posters across his university and social media platforms, fostering engagement with schools, universities, and student clubs in the community.

Contact: mdjahin(at)amb.iymc.info View Full Team