I am Ankit Upadhyay, a third-year undergraduate majoring in Computer Science and Engineering at the JSS Academy of Technical Education in Bangalore. I have been deeply interested in the intersection of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence with public policy, education and Climate Science and want to pursue a PhD. I am not a born mathematician. I still remember trembling before every mathematics exam in elementary school. With time, I have felt the beauty in mathematics and how our natural world is composed of it. Last year was my inaugural participation in the International Youth Math Challenge. Little did I know of my selection in Qualifier let alone winning a bronze honour in the final round. I cannot explain how stimulating every round was- from trying out novel challenging questions to reading an unseen research paper and answering questions based on that, participating in a timed final round to reflecting on tons of learning experiences. As an ambassador, I aim to fill the gaps present in our academic world to enable students under and over 18 to participate and feel the joy of mathematics. Let us come together and make this field diverse, inclusive and full of fun and learning!