Sourav Bhowmik

Official IYMC Ambassador

Sourav Bhowmik
Newcomer Ambassador
(Score: 70)

Dhaka, Bangladesh
Bangladesh University Of Engineering And Technology

My Name is Sourav Bhowmik and I graduated from “Kabi Nazrul Government College, Dhaka” in 2018 with a Bachelor's Degree in Physics Department. Currently, I am studying Post-graduation in Physics Department at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). I am Math and Physics lover, a writer, and also an English Language instructor. I am responsible, friendly, and dedicated to working in the field of science. I enjoy using my skills to contribute to exciting technological advances. I love to help people with my motivational speech and try to make them smile. I am always trying to capture every moment of my life. I am always trying to increase my knowledge and show my love and affection for creativity in the fields of math and science. This platform gives me the unique opportunity to apply my skills to solve challenging problems.

Contact: soubhowmik(at)amb.iymc.info View Full Team