Nelson Ndugu

Official IYMC Ambassador

Nelson  Ndugu
Accomplished Ambassador
(Score: 390)

Kampala, Uganda
Biophit Tech

I am a co-founder of BioPhIT tech and I actively lead the Data science and Physical team at BioPhIT. My work at the company focuses on deconstructing anxiety for mathematics and sciences in general through steering coding academy, mentoring future innovators and prototyping in the area of database systems, hardware & numerical programming and device. Currently, I focus on developing science learning models that captures interest of learners and triggers immense innovation among them. I also lead a team that is developing a well structured broad range coding academy that spans from elementary level of learning to the tertiary level of learning. I am finalizing my PhD in the field of computational physics at the University of Mbarara, Uganda. I received substantial training in the field of computational physics from Lund university (2015-2016), University of Nice, France in 2017 and Maxplanck Institute of Astrophysics, Heidelberg, Germany (2018-2019).

Contact: nelndugu(at)amb.iymc.info View Full Team