Dhyey Dharmendrakumar Mavani

Official IYMC Ambassador

Dhyey Dharmendrakumar Mavani
Newcomer Ambassador
(Score: 60)

Surat, India
P.p. Savani Cambridge International School

I am 17 years old studying in Senior year of High school at P PSavani Cambridge International School, Surat, Gujarat, India. I am doing Cambridge A level study. I am very much interested in Mathematics and Physics subjects. I got “Cambridge High Learners-High Achievement Award” for Top in country in Cambridge IGCSE Additional Maths Subject (Octo/Nov-2018). I also got “AP Scholar with Distinction Award” for 3 consecutive years (2017/2018/2019) and 2nd Regional Award of South Asia in “International Astronomy & Astrophysics Competition” (IAAC-2019). I have cleared total NINE Advance Placement Exams(AP) and SAT SUBJECT TESTS (physics/Chemistry/Biology/Maths level-1&2) in Grade-9th. I achieved so many Gold Medals along with National & International Top 10 ranks in various science and math Olympiads during Middle and High School Study. I achieved “Allen Champ Awards” for 3 consecutive years. My ideals in life, apart from my parents and teachers, include S.N. Bose, Bohr, Einstein, Schrodinger, Dirac, Feynman etc. I really look forward to promote Mathematics and Physics to solve some of the worlds greatest challenges.

Contact: dhymavani(at)amb.iymc.info View Full Team