Angela Busheska

Official IYMC Ambassador

Angela Busheska
Newcomer Ambassador
(Score: 20)

Struga, Macedonia
Yahya Kemal College Struga

I am Angela Busheska. A 18 year old girl from North Macedonia. Deeply in love with maths, science and researches. I am a senior in Yahya Kemal College, team member at IYPT 2019 and 2020. and researcher at New York Academy of Sciences.I have found a nonprofit organization "Empower the Youth" whose aim is to empower all teenagers worldwide and to make a change in the world.Participated on maths competitions since my seventh grade, and got on the fifth place on the EGMO selectional list.My goal on this planet is to get as much knowledge as possible and to share it.Together we can make a change.

Contact: angbusheska(at)amb.iymc.info View Full Team